I was lucky enough to get a shout-out for FreeBSD from Fab and Dan recently on Linux Outlaws podcast #213. Fab conceded he had “… heard from other people that FreeBSD was a good server” and Dan grudgingly commented “I know it’s a very well used server.” On a Linux podcast, I couldn’t have hoped for more!
The origin of this shout-out was when I was cycling home from work one day listening to Linux Outlaws # 210 (AFAIR). Fab had launched into a tirade (in beautiful Fab fashion) on what a loss it would be to the Linux server community if the CentOS project collapsed (CentOS is a free GNU/Linux distribution based on and functionally identical to Redhat Enterprise Linux). I immediately got off my bike and e-mailed Fab the solution – FreeBSD. Not only is FreeBSD the absolutely best Unix-like server OS, but the FreeBSD project has easily stood the test of time with its genesis in 1993.
I like Linux Outlaws to get a overview of the open source community and updates on foss software projects, new and old (I also like listening to Fab and Dan banter back and forth, although the language is closer to sailor’s than nerd-speak. I admit I’m envious of the attention GNU/Linux attracts, but most of the attention is for desktop features – shiny widgets, graphical applications, etc. When I was selecting a server OS, I wanted a GUI-less interface, minimal cruft between me and the silicon, a stable consistent architecture, good documentation, a reliable release strategy, and a community that felt right. For me, that’s clearly FreeBSD!

(BSD Daemon Copyright 1988 by Marshall Kirk McKusick. All Rights Reserved.)