SaaS Applications supports a number of best-of-breed open source web applications for managing product development and business operations.

  • Managing product Bills of Materials (BOMs) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Managing raw material supply chain and purchasing
  • Managing manufacturing builds and Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  • Managing issues encountered during development and New Product Introduction (NPI) to ensure quality and support regulatory requirements and submissions
  • Managing and providing controlled access to electronic documents such as product requirements, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs, including quality procedures, work instructions and test procedures), test results, etc.
  • Managing leads, customers and marketing campaigns for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Managing projects, tasks, and milestones, and reporting on progress to stakeholders

Services such as implementation consulting and user training services are also available. Please use the Contact Form to enquire further. 

Mantis Bug Tracker is a widely used open-source issue tracking, project and quality management software. The project was founded in 2000 for managing issues in software development projects and has been actively developed since. The Mantis project is led by a volunteer team that includes its original creator.

Moodle is the world’s most customisable and trusted open-source learning management system (LMS). Moodle is used by hundreds of millions of learners worldwide, including internal use by leading organizations to support staff training. Moodle was first released in 2002 and the project is led and coordinated by Moodle HQ, an Australian company financially supported by a network of eighty-four Moodle Partner service companies worldwide.

Nextcloud is the most deployed on-premises open-source file sharing and collaboration platform, with tens of millions of users at thousands of organizations across the globe. A rich web interface provides access to documents and apps, and a cross-platform local file system synchronization agent is also available. German Nextcloud GMBH created Nextcloud in 2016 by forking Owncloud (created in 2010 by the same founders) to continue pursuing their vision of open source decentralized and federated cloud software, and also provide commercial enterprise support.

ProjeQtOr is web-based open-source portfolio project management software based on quality management principles. Popular project management paradigms are supported, including risk management, Kanban, work tickets, requirements management (with change management and test coverage), cost management, and Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA, aka FRACAS). ProjeQtOr is developed by, a French provider of project management services, and has been continually improved since initial release in 2009.

SeedDMS is an easy-to-use open-source document management system for small and medium sized enterprises needing formal document control to meet internal and/or regulatory requirements. SeedDMS was founded in 2013 by German developer Uwe Steinmann by forking LetoCMS (founded in 2005 as MyDMS, which he had been supporting for several years). Uwe and German web development company MMK have provided commercial support for SeedDMS since 2010.

SuiteCRM is fully-featured open-source customer relationship management (CRM) software. SuiteCRM was created in 2013 by Scottish project leader SalesAgility (a software consultancy concentrating on CRM solutions) by forking Sugar CRM (founded in 2004) to continue development and support of a fully open source CRM.

Time Tracker is an open-source web-based timesheet system for project management and client invoicing. Time Tracker was created in 2004 by Anuko, a Canadian IT services company, who also provide support.

Tryton is fully featured modular business and ERP software, and a framework for creating bespoke business software solutions. Belgian enterprise solutions provider B2CK founded Tryton in 2008 by forking Tiny ERP (founded in 2005 and now Odoo) to continue development as completely open source. The Tryton Foundation provides leadership and legal entity for the project, and commercial support is available from project partners.

WackoWiki is an online hypertext publication platform for collaborative document creation and management. Instead of imposing structure on users, they allow structure to emerge based on user needs. WackoWiki was created in 2003 by forking WakkaWiki when its developers left the project. The WackoWiki project is led by an active volunteer team.

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system (aka ERP system) and includes a wide range of features suitable for many businesses, in particular distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing. webERP is also in use in many hospitals around the world. The main developers are qualified accountants with the goal to make webERP easy for business people to modify. webERP has been in active development and use for more than 20 years.

WordPress is an open-source publishing and content management system (CMS), supporting a variety of web content, including blogs, portfolios, and eCommerce stores. It is the most widely used platform for creating websites by creators, small businesses and large enterprise. WordPress is supported by a large community of volunteer contributors and commercial support providers.