Configure Tryton to use PostgreSQL

In this tutorial I will install PostgreSQL and configure it as the Tryton data tier. If you have not installed Tryton yet, see Install Tryton on FreeBSD 13.

In Install Tryton on FreeBSD 13, I used SQLite for for basic testing. However, real-world enterprise use with multiple users interacting simultaneously requires high concurrency and ACID compliance for effective and reliable operation. For production, Tryton uses PostgreSQL for its backend or data tier.

Install PostgreSQL

Install the latest version of PostgreSQL (currently 14.1).

% sudo pkg install postgresql14-server

The installation procedure creates a “postgres” user who owns the PostgreSQL files and the postgres server process. The installed configuration file (/var/db/postgres/data14/postgresql.conf) allows access only from the localhost, which will be sufficient since trytond is running locally.

Confirm PostgreSQL installed correctly.

% pg_config --version

Edit /etc/rc.conf to start the server at startup.

% sudo vi /etc/rc.conf

Initialize a database cluster (one or more databases managed by a single postgresql instance) and start postgresql.

% sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb
% sudo service postgresql start
% sudo service postgresql status

Use the PostgreSQL createuser command to create a “tryton” PostgreSQL super-user. The “tryton” user will be able to create databases and roles.

% sudo su postgres
$ createuser -sdrP tryton
Enter password for new role:
Enter it again:
$ exit

and restart PostgreSQL.

% sudo service postgresql restart

Confirm that the “tryton” user on localhost can connect to the PostgreSQL server (the “-W” switch causes psql to prompt for the user password).

% psql --username=tryton -W --list
List of databases
   Name    | Owner    | Encoding | Collate | Ctype   | Access privileges
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
(3 rows)

Install psycopg2

trytond uses psycopg2 to connect to postgresql. Install psycopg2 into the virtual environment created for trytond.

(env) [~/work/trytond]$ pip install psycopg2

Edit trytond.conf to use PostgreSQL

Edit ~/work/trytond/trytond.conf to specify using PostgreSQL backend.

# connect to postgresql using a TCIP/IP port
#uri = postgresql://tryton:password@localhost:5432
# connect to postgresql using a Unix socket
uri = postgresql://tryton:password@/

root = /home/dale/work/sao

Create a Tryton database

I need to use the PostgreSQL createdb command to create a database for Tryton,

% sudo su postgres
$ createdb scc

I will use the psql utility to verify the database was created, and then return to my own user name.

$ psql
psql (14.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \l
                              List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding | Collate |  Ctype  |   Access privileges
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 |
 scc       | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
(4 rows)

postgres=# \q
$ ^D

Finally I will initialize the database using the Tryton trytond-admin utility.

I will need to activate the virtualenv created for trytond in order to use trytond-admin.

% bash
[~/work/trytond]$ source env/bin/activate
(env) [dale@starlord ~/work/trytond]$ trytond-admin -c ./trytond.conf -d scc --all -v
"admin" email for "scc":
"admin" password for "scc":
"admin" password confirmation:
(env) [~/work/trytond]$

Start trytond

Start trytond specifying the updated configuration file. Notice I will not specify a database as I did when using SQLite. The database will be selected by the Tryton client.

(env) [~/work/trytond]$ env/bin/trytond -c ./trytond.conf

Access Tryton

You can now use the Tryton client to connect to the Tryton server (trytond). A wizard will lead you through the interactive configuration, which will be covered in a seperate post.

Install Tryton sao web client on FreeBSD v13

In this tutorial I will install sao, the Tryton web client, to use with an existing Tryton installation. If you have not installed Tryton yet, see Install Tryton on FreeBSD 13.


Tryton is open source business software of the type popularly known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Plannning). As described in Install Tryton on FreeBSD 13, Tryton follows a three-tier architecture model with the presentation tier consisting of one, or both, of the following:

  • tryton, the Tryton desktop client.
  • sao, the Tryton web client.

The Tryton desktop client was included when Tryton was first released in 2008, sao was released more recently in 2015. Lay users will likely perceive sao simply as a Tryton web app, but distingishing between the tiers will still be important for system integrators and developers as shown in the following diagram (which arguably has its’ own simplifications).

Tryton System Architecture

The data tier is PostgreSQL, the logic tier is trytond, and the presentation tier is the Tryton client and/or sao (the web browser is only the display for sao).

Install Node

sao is a JavaScript application that runs server-side on the Node.js runtime environment. npm, the Node Package Manager will also be required, and installing npm will install node as a dependency.

% sudo pkg install npm-node17

Install Git

git will be required by npm to install sao.  Install git now if it is not already installed.

% sudo pkg install git

Install sao

Download the sao package from the Tryton project archive to a working directory. The version of sao downloaded must be the same as the version of trytond that is installed.

% cd ~/work
% wget

For convenience, the last version of sao is also provided for convenience, the last version is updated when there is a new release.

% wget

Extract sao from the downloaded archive package, rename the extracted directory, and create a symlink for convenience in configuring trytond and for updating sao.

% cd ~/work
% tar -xf ~/work/tryton-sao-6.2.3.tgz
% tar -xf ~/work/tryton-sao-last.tgz
% mv package sao-6.2.3
% ln -s sao-6.2.3 sao

Install sao following the instructions in the extracted file.

% cd sao
% npm install --production --legacy-peer-deps

You may notice some ominous warnings regarding grunt-xgettext and grunt-po2json during installation, but they can safely be ignored. These packages are required only for development, they are not involved in the running of sao (like all the devDependencies).

npm WARN grunt-xgettext@0.3.5 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.5 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN grunt-po2json@0.3.0 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.1 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

Configure trytond

trytond reads a trytond.conf configuration file to set operating conditions. Edit ~/work/trytond/trytond.conf to specify the location of sao.

root = /home/dale/work/sao

Start trytond

Starting trytond within a tmux session will prevent trytond from being terminated if the ssh connection to the server is broken. In other words, you can safely break your ssh connection to the server and trytond will stay running. Also the notices that are output by trytond to the shell can be reviewed after re-connecting.

(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$ tmux
(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$ env/bin/trytond -v -c ./trytond.conf -d test_db
25690 34374492160 [2022-01-19 20:16:19,365] WARNING werkzeug  * Running on all addresses.
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
25690 34374492160 [2022-01-19 20:16:19,366] INFO werkzeug  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Connect to Tryton web app

Start a web browser and connect to the Tryton server URL with the assigned port.

trytond listens on port 8000, ensure the port is open and or forwarded if you are using a virtual machine.

Login with a valid user name and password, such as the admin user and password entered when the database was initialized. The rendered sao interface is essentially identical to the Tryton desktop client (as much as is possible).

Install Tryton on FreeBSD v13

In this tutorial I will install Tryton. Tryton is open source business software of the type popularly known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Plannning). ERP is often considered accounting or finance software, but this is only one function.

The real value of ERP software is achieved when it is used to share information and manage business processes within an organization as a whole, including engineering product development and product lifecycle management (PLM), supply chain, purchasing, and inventory control, manufacturing and material requirements planning (MRP), sales planning and customer relationship management (CRM).

Tryton follows a three-tier architecture model consisting of:

  • The Presentation Tier
    • tryton, the Tryton desktop client for Windows, Mac OS or Linux.
    • sao, the Tryton web client (also known as the Tryton web site).
  • The Application Tier
    • trytond, the Tryton server daemon.
  • The Data Tier
    • SQLite, for development testing, or
    • PostgreSQL, for production use.

Install FreeBSD 13

Install FreeBSD 13 using suitable media and perform typical initial configuration. Create an initial admin user in the install wizard and include them in the wheel group. 

After booting into the new system and logging in as the admin user, copy a public ssh key for the admin user to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and disable ssh password authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config for security.

% su - 
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Change to no to disable PAM authentication
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# service sshd restart

Update FreeBSD and package manager database for third-party software (when FreeBSD is first installed pkg is a shim, when run it will first install the current version of pkg).

# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install
# pkg update

Install sudo for more convenient system administration instead of having to “su” to root.

# pkg install sudo

Configure sudo to allow the admin user (and all other members of the wheel group) to allow use without needing to enter a password for convenience (reasonable on a small system).

# visudo
## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Same thing without a password

Install tmux. tmux is a terminal multiplexer, which can also be used to detach processes from their controlling terminals, allowing remote sessions to remain active.

# sudo pkg install tmux

Install Python 3

From version 5.0, Tryton has used Python 3. Since Python is not included in the FreeBSD base system, it must be installed seperately.

Install the python3 package, which currently installs Python 3.8.

% sudo pkg install python3

Install py38-pip, the corresponding version of the Python package manager. pip will be used to install trytond and trytond modules from PyPI (the Python Package Index).

% sudo pkg install py38-pip

Install system dependencies

trytond requires libxml2, an XML C parser and toolkit, and libsxlt, an XSLT C library. Graphviz is a package of open-source tools for drawing graphs required by sao, the Tryton web client, which will be installed later in a seperate post.

% sudo pkg install libxml2
% sudo pkg install libxslt
% sudo pkg install graphviz

bash (the Bourne Again SHell) is required to use Python’s built-in venv module, which will be used to create a virtual environment for executing trytond.

% sudo pkg install bash

Install SQLite

Tryton uses the SQLite database management system for development testing, and PostgreSQL for production operation. SQLite has few dependencies and is less complicated to use than PostgreSQL, and will be installed here for initial bring-up testing. PostgreSQL will be installed later for production use.

Install the Python SQLite package.

% sudo pkg install py38-sqlite3

Install trytond

For production use, best practices would indicate a dedicated user should be created for executing trytond, and the users’ home directory used to install trytond and for storing document attachments. However, for simplicity a normal user and home directory will be used.

Create a directory for installing trytond in.

% sudo mkdir -p ~/work/trytond

Create a virtual environment for executing trytond.

% cd ~/work/trytond
% bash
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) [~/work/trytond]$

Install trytond using pip.

(env) [~/work/trytond]$ pip install trytond

Install the trytond-product module which will provide the basic functionality needed to create products (part numbers or sku’s).

(env) [~/work/trytond]$ pip install trytond-product

trytond modules can have dependencies, which will also installed when a module is installed. To see all the trytond modules which have been installed, use pip to list installed modules and grep for trydond.

(env) [~/work/trytond]$ pip list | grep trytond
trytond          6.2.3
trytond-company  6.2.0
trytond-country  6.2.0
trytond-currency 6.2.0
trytond-party    6.2.0
trytond-product  6.2.0
(env) [~/work/trytond]$ 

You can search PiPY for Tryton Framework modules. Refine the search with “trytond” in the search field and sort the results by last updated to list core modules at the top.

trytond reads a trytond.conf configuration file to set operating conditions. trytond has built-in defaults which will configure using a local SQLite database and allow client access from the local system. I will use SQLite for initial bring-up testing, but will use a remote client for access.

By default, trytond will only listen to the local system for connections. To allow connecting from a remote system, create ~/work/trytond/trytond.conf with the following content:


By default, trytond will use an SQLite database which is convenient for developers. Also by default, trytond will expect the database to be found in ~/db/.

Create an empty SQLite database file,

% mkdir ~/db
% touch ~/db/test_db.sqlite

and then initialize the database using trytond-admin. tryton-admin will prompt for a password for the initial admin user which it will enter in the database. The password will be used later to login using the Tryton client as user admin.

(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$ env/bin/trytond-admin -c ./trytond.conf -d test_db --all
"admin" email for "test_db":
"admin" password for "test_db": 
"admin" password confirmation: 
(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$  

Start trytond

Start tmux, which will allow trytond to be started and remain running if the ssh connection or login is broken, and all the shell actity while the connection was broken can still be seen after re-connecting.

(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$ tmux

trytond listens on port 8000, ensure the port is open and or forwarded if you are using a virtual machine.

Start trytond.

(env) dale@starlord:~/work/trytond$ env/bin/trytond -c ./trytond.conf -d test_db
25690 34374492160 [2022-01-19 20:16:19,365] WARNING werkzeug  * Running on all addresses.
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
25690 34374492160 [2022-01-19 20:16:19,366] INFO werkzeug  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Connect using Tryton Desktop Client

Download the latest version of the desktop client from the Tryton project website. The latest version of the client must be used in this case because the latest version of trytond is was installed. The first two digits of the tryton version must be the same as the first two digits of the trytond version. In other words, if trytond is version 6.2.x then the tryton client must be version 6.2.x.

On a Windows system, download and install the latest version of the Windows desktop client, and run as typical. On a Linux system, download the source code for the latest version of tryton appropriate for the system, extract to a convenient location and execute …/bin/tryton.

After the Tryton desktop client starts,

click the Manage button to create a new profile to access the newly installed Tryton site. First click the “+” button to create a new profile, enter a name for the profile (the name is arbitrary) and then the host URL. The client will access the database and populate the drop down with available database names. In this case, test_db will be the only database available.

Select Close to return to the Login screen. If you didn’t enter the “admin” user in the profile, enter it now and select Connect. When prompted for the admin user password, enter the password provided to trytond-admin when the database was initialized.

After logging in, a wizard will lead you you through the interactive configuration, including activating the desired modules, define a company and adding users, which will be covered in a separate post.

Tryton Client Options

The Tryton client has several command switches that may be useful if debugging Tryton operation or developing Tryton modules.

tryton -d {-v} {-l [DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL]}
-d development mode (disable client-side caching)
-v verbose
-l log level

Install Tryton using Docker on Ubuntu

In this tutorial I will install get Tryton using Docker, the fastest way to host Tryton for evaluation. The Tryton project provides a Docker container for use on Ubuntu Linux, which I will host a virtual machine on a FreeBSD host.

Create Virtual Machine

Install Ubuntu 20.04 using the Ubuntu distribution DVD ISO and using the startup wizard configure appropriately.

Copy your user ssh key to the new server and disable password login.

Configure vm port forwarding.  Port forwarding with VirtualBox must be done with the vm powered off.

Name: ssh
Protocol: TCP
Host Port: 8000
Guest Port: 8000

Update Server OS

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Install Docker

$ sudo apt install

Install Tryton

$ sudo docker pull tryton/tryton

Start a PostgreSQL instance

The Tryton image will be pulled from library/postgres

$ sudo docker run --name tryton-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=tryton -d postgres

Setup the database

$ sudo docker run --link tryton-postgres:postgres -e DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -it tryton/tryton trytond-admin -d tryton --all

The script will prompt for:

  • “admin” email for “tryton”
  • “admin” password for “tryton”

Store the password in a key vault for safe future reference.

Start Tryton Instance

$ sudo docker run --name tryton -p 8000:8000 --link tryton-postgres:postgres -e DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d tryton/tryton

Start Tryton cron Instance

$ sudo docker run --name tryton-cron --link tryton-postgres:postgres -e DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d tryton/tryton trytond-cron -d tryton

Create bash Startup Script

Without further configuration the Docker container will not start automatically when the server starts. While it is possible to configure Tryton to automatically start, I have created a simple bash script for convenience to start Tryton manually.

dale@starlord:~$ cat
# run using sudo
docker start tryton-postgres tryton tryton-cron
