This fall the bicycle gods have been smiling. First, Calgary is experiencing the longest fall I can remember ever! This is the first time it hasn’t snowed before Halloween in my memory. Second, my daughter now drives but has been commuting to downtown by c-Train, which means I can leave the family van at a train station for her, but with my bike on board to ride the rest of the way home – with a suitable detour of course ;-).
Last week, my friend Ian led the way along an incredible ridge trail in the sunset. Entering into Fish Creek Provincial Park (aka FCPP) from the north east along the c-Train line, we first headed west, climbed to the ridge, then south in a loop back east, and finally coming out of the park into Shawnessey before heading home (and explaining to my wonderful wife Elizabeth why a 30 minute ride took 2 hours).
Here are Ian’s photo’s for proof we were actually there!
What a sunset!