Yii PHP framework

I came across the Yii PHP framework and have been doing a deep dive working through a number of Yii tutorials to understand the Yii framework and development model. So far I’m extremely excited, the Yii framework is fully featured and there are loads of third-party modules to handle the edge cases. If all goes well, my plan is to build Maestro using Yii in a greenfield project, instead of an Achievo extension module using the ATK framework.

I bought several books on Yii and am working their tutorials as fast as I can type. So far I can recommend them all.

They have their own unique perspective, development environment, workflow and tool set components, which has been instructive, and Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook includes an excellent guide to the Zii component library.

I have also found the community-supported Yii Playground project, which includes functional demos of Zii components with code examples.

And now, back to the books…

Maestro – the SCC Business Support System

I am renaming the Swift Construction Company proof-of-concept business support software application Maestro, after hearing Kohsuke Kawaguchi explain he named his project Jenkins because users would identify with it better if was named like a person, in particular a servent.

Picking up on that theme, Maestro users will say things like:

  • Did you get the bill of materials from Maestro yet?
  • Did you file the CAD drawings with Maestro?
  • Please get a where-used report from Maestro before making any changes.
  • What drawing rev does Maestro say serial number 123 is?